Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Welcome to Koguma Store

I like to let myself open to kawaii (cute) things, regardless of my age, reputation, judgment, overall branding/image of myself that I wish I could keep (most people that don't know me well would find it surprising that I would like any sort of cuteness.) (Not that I'm a cool, high-fashion hipster or anything, I just don't REEK cuteness.) This stance is well-supported by Pursebuzz on YouTube who stands for not caring what other people think and liking what you like. (Go to Pursebuzz's speech segment about this—wherever I bookmarked for you till 5:25)

Also, I believe I read somewhere before that kawaii things help reduce stress. So that's a big reason to why I let myself open to kawaii things. If it has free, positive, therapeutic effects just by looking at something, why not?

I try not to spend so much on impractical things, especially stuffed animals and keychains, unless I know I must have it. But when it comes to stickers I am more lenient. I don't know what's popular now but when I was a kid, US had epic stickers like Lisa Frank, Sandylion, Ms.Grossman, but Japan is also a great place to go sticker shopping. (My ex-instructor bought his kid daughter something like $60 worth of stickers at Tokyu Hands as a souvenir—even I would be super happy to receive this.) I mean... Japanese stationaries in general is a whole elaborate culture. (If you can read Japanese, or maybe even if you can't read Japanese, this is the epitome collection of Japanese stationary: Book of best stationaries)

So this is a packet of stickers I got recently. Only for 105 yen.

This packet contains "Japanese convenience store" (conbini) themed flake stickers. What I mean by flake stickers is...

They come in tiny flakes like these, several pieces each design.
They're about the size of your thumbnail.

All the designs of the stickers are conbini items:

Riceball    /    Coke bottle + store-staff bear    /    a 500 yen coin
Melon-flavored pastry + sandwich    /    shopping basket    /    hot pork bun
pudding (dessert in a cup)    /    bento box + to-go chopsticks    /    a 1000 yen note
Oden in a bowl (one of the hot foods you can buy in-store)

And one big sticker which serves like a background.

Adorable. I think I had a stronger love-at-first-sight moment with this item because I actually worked before in the convenience store before.

Oh, and I forgot. Bonus: these are scented stickers!

If you're interested, this product is by Kamio Japan—google "Kamio Japan Koguma Store" online and there are several places that sell this and available outside of Japan.

I'll be looking out for other themes that I'll need to get.

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